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The Brothers of Gamma Pi Work to Serve the Community As Part of Omega Psi Phi's "Project 5000"
During the days leading up to the Christmas Holiday Season, the Brothers of Gamma Pi Chapter did not take a holiday from community service. As part of a special Social Action initiative throughout the Fraternity's Second District (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania), Gamma Pi spent those days feeding needy families, senior citizens, and healthcare first responders.
Putting the Exclamation Point on 50 Fantastic Years!
Fifty years. Half a century. Two generations. However you choose to measure it, Gamma Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc has been around five decades. Brothers who were there at the beginning remember 8-track stereo players, dashikis, Apple caps, vinyl 45- and 33-speed records and wide-leg bellbottom pants.
Gamma Pi Chapter Kicks Off the 50th Year With An Awe-Inspiring Achievement Week
For the Brothers of Gamma Pi Chapter, the 2022 Achievement week program was a special milestone for The Super Chapter. It was the first time the chapter held its entire Achievement Week program in person since COVID emerged in early 2020.
Voices of the Founders Help Gamma Pi Chapter Prepare to Celebrate 50 Years
As Gamma Pi Chapter moves toward its 50th Anniversary date of March 5, members of the Chapter are starting to hear voices. Voices, that is, of the Charter Members who started it all in 1973 as they look back at the early 1970s and Gamma Pi's bold beginnings in Prince George's County, MD that planted the seed for what today is now called "The Super Chapter."
New Year for Project ENRICH Begins With New Era and Continued Coronavirus Challenges
Brothers Rushern Baker, who served as the former Prince George’s County Executive and was a Democratic candidate for Maryland Governor during the 2018 campaign, along with Prince George's County State Del. Nick Charles, set the tone for the year with informative and interesting talks about the importance of civics.
In Response to Social Justice Movement, Gamma Pi Forms New Black Greek Coalition
In recent months, Gamma Pi chapter's attention has turned to social justice issues, given the direction of the country and the African American community during the flareup of racial tensions as part of the civil unrest that gripped the nation after the George Floyd police killing in Minneapolis in May.