Voices of the Founders Help Gamma Pi Chapter Prepare to Celebrate 50 Years
Charter members in early 1970's photo
As Gamma Pi Chapter moves toward its 50th Anniversary date of March 5, members of the Chapter are starting to hear voices. Voices, that is, of the Charter Members who started it all in 1973 as they look back at the early 1970s and Gamma Pi's bold beginnings in Prince George's County, MD that planted the seed for what today is now called "The Super Chapter."
Surviving members of the original 21 charter members who birthed the chapter are pridefully speaking out and reminiscing on the chapter's noble start through a new video series called, "Que-versations - Meet the Charter Members." The video series is a collection of individual interviews with the charter members by Gamma Pi's Public Relations committee.
To date, four charter members have been interviewed. They are Brothers Tim McIntosh, the chapter's first-ever Basileus; Don Herring; John Robinson and Clemmie Solomon. Their video interviews are posted on the chapter's website (www.gammapi.org/videos) and are also available on the chapter's
YouTube Channel (www.youtube.com/gammapichapter ). Brothers Anthony Kelly and Reggie Pickett are members of the chapter's Public Relations committee.
Bro. Tim McIntosh talls to Bro. Reggie Pickett
These first four interviews are part of a continuing series that will take place until every available charter member has been interviewed. So far, those who have been interviewed have done so from their homes. The interviews are all solo and range from 30-50 minutes in length.
Get your popcorn ready, grab the remote and get ready to tune into some fascinating Omega Psi Phi history from Gamma Pi Chapter. Stay tuned for information about upcoming activities later this year as we mark 50 years of Brotherhood and Service in Prince George's County.