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Protocol Committee
To provide a common set of rules and procedures for the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. regarding general brotherly conduct and protocol which is to be exercised in formal and informal settings in order to make it clear that unacceptable behavior that brings harm to the Fraternity or any person, be they a member of the Fraternity or not, is not condoned by the International Headquarters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Initial Chapter Committee Goals
1. Provide protocol training to enhance everyone’s knowledge of various topics for the betterment of our Chapter and Brothers.
2. Provide Chapter members with information on the Fraternity’s ceremonial activities, programs, attire, ritualistic information, Singing of the Hymn, etc.
3. Discuss and plan protocol logistics of Chapter activities (Memorial Funeral Service, Memorial Service) etc.
4. Document Chapter protocols and procedures.
5. Provide Protocol Committee presence on the 2nd District Protocol Committee.
Gamma Pi Chapter’s Biographic Data Form
To improve the preparation for a Brother’s Omega Service or to have biographical data for other commemorative recognition events, it is crucial to have information that tells a complete story of that brother’s life and accomplishments. Please click the link above and complete the form to help us better craft your biography.
Gamma Pi Estate Planning for Fraternity Property and Paraphernalia Form
In accordance with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc’s. International Headquarters Policy and Procedures Manual, all Fraternity property of the International Headquarters transmitted to the custody of the chapter (or Brother) for its use, as provided herein, shall remain the property of International Headquarters subject to recall or removal in the event of the chapter’s (or Brother’s) suspension or deactivation. The chapter’s officers shall have the absolute responsibility and obligation to maintain the custody and control over the Fraternity issued property when so requested by the International Headquarters or District Representative pursuant to our Constitution.
“The local chapter shall be responsible for retrieving paraphernalia after a Brother enters OMEGA CHAPTER: Thirty-days (30) after a Brother enters OMEGA CHAPTER, the local chapter or chapter advisor should send a letter to the family inquiring about the disposition of paraphernalia. If there is no response from the family in thirty-days (30), the local chapter Basileus should contact the family, verbally. Once used paraphernalia is received, it should be added to the chapter’s archives sent to Corporate Headquarters or disposed of by burning. NOTE: The family should not be harassed in any way.”
Each Brother is personally responsible for protecting the privacy of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. issued property and paraphernalia.
Once initiated, each Brother should discuss the disposition of their Omega property and paraphernalia with their loved ones in the event of their demise.
Part of any Brother’s Estate Planning should be the designation of an Omega Brother to receive his paraphernalia or instructions for his loved ones to contact the local chapter for disposition.
To facilitate achieving the above goals, Gamma Pi Chapter has developed the form (Accessed Here or by link above) in hopes that each member will use it to ensure the proper handling of their Omega Psi Phi property when the time comes.