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Ques In Annapolis

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Brothers of The Super Chapter,

The Planning Committee for 100 Ques in Annapolis is both excited and proud of your decision to participate in this historic endeavor!  Your response has been nothing less than Owtstanding!  For your information, the schedule for the day is as follows:

Time/Agenda for 100 Ques in Annapolis

9AM – Meet in House Office Building located at 6 Bladen St, Annapolis, MD 21401, Rm 142 no later than 9:00 AM.  Please consider the time required for parking, taking a shuttle, walking, and security, when determining what time you will depart from your respective homes.
9:30AM- Divide the group and Depart for our reserved seating in the House and Senate Galleries.
10AM – Brothers will be seated in both Galleries simultaneously.
*Upon completion of recognition in the Galleries, Brothers will gather for a group picture inside the State House.
11AM – Visits at Legislator’s Offices
12PM – Lunch, Scholarship Award, and Fraternization
*Upon completion of lunch experience, the official program will end.
1PM – For Brothers who wish to stay, arrangements will be made for:
- A hearing on the Criminal Expungement Bill
- City Walking Tour
- A visit to the Historic Ashbury United Methodist Church to see OMNGLD Bishop Edgar Amos Love’s Library and personal artifacts. 

Political Expression

As you should be aware, there are four (4) bills that have been selected for which we intend to show our support.  They are as follows:

HB1114 - Child Custody and Visitation - Best Interest of the Child - Factors

HB0001 - Built to Learn Act of 2020

HB1343 - Criminal Procedure Expungement Expansion

HB0416- Medical Cannabis Business Development Fund  

Every Brother who resides in Maryland and who has provided their names to me will be issued a personalized letter addressed from you to your legislator expressing interest in each of the aforementioned bills.  At approximately 11:00 am, you will walk to the office of your representative and express orally and in writing (via the personalized letter) your support for these bills.

Most likely, the representatives will not be in their offices as they will be working; however, you will leave your letter with the person in the office as their Chiefs of Staff will track correspondence received in support or against the legislation.


There are a number of lots that are available that have varying costs per hour. The committee recommends that Brothers park at the United States Naval Academy’s Football Stadium which costs $5 and to take the shuttle which costs $2 into the city.  The Shuttle costs $1 for Seniors and disabled Brothers. Once on the shuttle, Brothers can inform the driver that they need to disembark at the House Office Building.

Other parking options are within walking distance to the House Office Building such as the Calvert Street Garage (State Garage) located at 19 St. Johns St, Annapolis, MD 21401.  Please conduct your own search for distance from the venue and rates as they may be more expensive than parking at the Stadium.  A PDF that contains parking information has been attached to this email.

Finally, if you have any special dietary restrictions, please inform me IMMEDIATELY so that the committee can properly consider any accommodations.

In closing, if you know of any Brother(s) residing in Maryland who wishes to participate substantively in the event, all names must be submitted to me no later than THIS Saturday, March 7, 2020.  Please email at

We sincerely appreciate your commitment to 100 Ques in Annapolis and look forward to demonstrating our political expression in solidarity.

February 2

Big Game Party

March 14

Talent Hunt 2020