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Health Initiatives Webinar: American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, a time to focus on our cardiovascular health. In recognition of this important month, the Health Initiatives Committee of Gamma Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is bringing attention to hypertension, a leading contributor to heart disease and stroke. The chapter is dedicated to breaking down barriers to health equity in communities disproportionately impacted by cardiovascular disease.

Join the @GammaPiQues for a informative webinar about heart health as part of the "Start Small. Live Big." campaign. This campaign encourages adults, especially those 55 and older, to make small lifestyle changes, such as keeping medical appointments, being active, and eating well, to improve their overall health and get back to living life to the fullest.

Our webinar speaker, Dr. Jay Quash, is a highly-qualified cardiologist based in Prince George’s County Maryland

Million Hearts® collaborated with the CDC Foundation to develop a new campaign to remind people in the United States to make cardiovascular health a priority, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

February 20

Obtaining State and Federal Contracts

March 5

50th Anniversary Celebration