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Join the D9 Coalition for Civic Engagement for a three (3) part series of Candid Conversations on the Redistricting Process in Maryland and Prince George’s County.

Thursday, September 30 | Thursday, October 7 | Thursday, October 14

Did you know the Redistricting Process is happening right now in the State of Maryland and Prince George’s County? No? Well, your votes are affected! Tune in to learn more about this process and how it affects you and your vote.

Follow the D9 Coalition for Civic Engagement on Facebook to watch the event live.

This forum will address voter redistricting in state, county and municipal jurisdictions.

The boundaries drawn this year will last a decade (until our next U.S. Census), and where they are drawn makes a huge difference. For example, the lines of a political district can determine whether a community has opportunities to vote together to elect candidates who represent their interests, or whether they are divided up in ways that dilute their influence and their collective voice. Challenging redistricting decisions in court after the fact is a slow, expensive process. That makes it even more important to engage people and communities during the process, so they can help make sure it’s fair.

The line drawing process is full of challenges. To begin with, redistricting can be complicated and highly technical. And because it happens only every 10 years, communities rarely have built-in expertise on how to advance and protect their interests. But with the lines of hundreds of political jurisdictions set to be redrawn—from state senate districts with nearly a million residents to local districts for city councils and school boards—people and communities of color across our state need to be ready to play an active role.

A fair redistricting process requires community input.

September 28

Virtual Public Hearing: 2021 Redistricting Commission Plan and Report

October 2

Project Enrich: Opening Ceremony